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采购低温高碱性液体清洗剂[2017-05-05 13:24:53]

采购低温高碱性液体清洗剂,要和下面规格书一致的,先要16kg,定期采购。   江苏 苏州         Oakite OkemcleanTop quality; low-temp, highly alkaline liquid cleaner for removing stubborn soils from most metals by spray washer or agitated tank application. PRIMARY APPLICATION Oakite Okemclean is a low-foaming, heavy-duty detergent specially formulated for application either in high pressure spray washers or in agitated immersion tanks. The multi-metal cleaner removes a multitude of tenacious soils at energy-saving temperatures as low as 27°C (80°F). It's effective on most metals--including aluminum, steel, stainless steel, galvanized steel, copper, brass and magnesium. Solutions of the highly alkaline liquid take off many of industry's toughest soils. Among them are heavy fabricating soils, drawing and buffing compounds, carbonaceous deposits, grease and shop oils (including burned-on transmission oil). The low-foamer is excellent for cleaning mixed-metal parts in high-pressure spray washers. Backed by the spray's impact, Okemclean's powerful blend of chelates, surfactants and other cleaning agents rips into and loosens stubborn soils. These are swept away by thorough rinsing - leaving metal surfaces in an ideally clean condition for subsequent processing. Okemclean is equally effective for agitated tank cleaning of steel, stainless steel and cast iron parts-- including the removal of extra tough soils from engine blocks in rebuilding operations. Biodegradable Okemclean performs well in hard water areas, features a long solution life, rinses freely for complete cleaning. CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS chemical composition....................................................blend of silicates, phosphates, surfactants and chelates physical form ................................................................as received: clear yellow liquid as used: colorless solution odor ..............................................................................mild specific gravity (approx.) ..............................................1.257 at 20°C (68°F) bulk density ..................................................................10.47 lb/gal at 20°C (68°F) viscosity........................................................................34 cps full strength flash point.....................................................................none hygroscopic tendency ..................................................not applicable foaming tendency.........................................................Iow at 5% by volume recommended diluent .................................................water maximum solubility.......................................................complete behavior in hard water ................................................chelates rinsability ......................................................................excellent biodegradable surfactants............................................yes phosphate-free .............................................................no normal working concentrations ...................................2 to 10% by volume normal operating temperatures....................................27° to 82°C(80° to 180°F) pH at working concentrations.......................................13.0 at 5% by volume     effect of working solutions on metals ................................rate of metal loss from 24-hour immersion in Oakite Okemclean, 10% by volume, 82°C (180°F), projected for one year, is as follows: metal (alloy) mm/yr in/yr steel (1010) 0.00 0.000 stainless steel (316) 0.00 0.000 stainless steel (403) 0.00 0.000 aluminum (3003) 0.00 0.000 aluminum

采购低温液体加注车[2017-01-09 18:00:08]

采购低温液体加注车,ZHJ5290GDJ和ZHJ5241GDJ各要一辆,现在多少钱一辆?我们能源公司。     河北 保定

求购YJP-Q35/2XT液体加热器 图[2016-12-17 13:50:34]

求购YJP-Q35/2XT液体加热器,要一个,我们修配厂的,这个我们经常有需求,价格合理,我们可以长期合作。   辽宁  葫芦岛                 

韩中深冷低温液体运输车售后维修[2016-12-15 05:55:40]

韩中深冷低温液体运输车售后维修,TO:张家港韩中深冷科技有限公司,你好,我需要售后维修。   山西 太原

采购YJP一Q20/1xT01A液体加热器 铭牌[2016-11-13 16:04:33]

采购YJP一Q20/1xT01A液体加热器,给金旅中巴配套的,要两台,尺寸是570x360x265,DC12V,质量22Kg,功率20KW。     辽宁 营口               

买乐思镀铜微电镀溶液体系[2016-10-21 17:47:00]

买乐思镀铜微电镀溶液体系,下面要求的,各一套。     云南 昆明           

采购张家港韩中深冷低温液体运输车[2016-09-10 06:24:36]

采购张家港韩中深冷低温液体运输车,TO:张家港韩中深冷科技有限公司,你好,我司要采购你贵司产品,请回电。 天津 西青

买液体储罐[2016-05-18 16:57:23]

买液体储罐,5立方低温绝热液体储罐,这个什么价格?    陕西 咸阳 

求购奥迪液体导管 7L8 121 051 H[2016-01-27 06:45:34]

求购奥迪液体导管 7L8 121 051 H,奥迪Q7 7l0815802a    北京  

采购液体加热器 图[2015-11-20 10:35:41]

采购液体加热器 图,数量1个,有货的请报价过来。辽宁 大连  

采购液体罐车[2015-08-07 15:28:09]


采购LNG 低温液体运输车[2015-06-16 07:13:17]

采购LNG 低温液体运输车,要10辆。   江苏 苏州

采购液体密封胶[2015-06-13 14:25:45]

采购液体密封胶,液体密封胶,多少钱一公斤?内蒙古 鄂尔多斯

采购低温液体储罐[2015-05-22 15:10:45]

采购低温液体储罐,具体要求如下,可以做的请直接联系我,谢谢!河南 郑州   1。 压力容器类别      : 第 11 类 2。 产品标准             : GB 150 - 1998 ( 内容器应变强化 ) 3。 容器净重             : 11028 公斤 (kg) 4.   容积                   :  21。05 立方米 ( m3) 5.  设计压力              : 1。68 Mpa  ( 内容器 ) ; 外壳 -0 。1 Mpa 6. 最高允许工作压力  : 1。6 Mpa ( 内容器 ) ; 外壳 - 0 。 1 Mpa 7. 强化试验压力         : 2。81 Mpa 8。 设计温度              : - 196 度 ( 摄氏 )( 内容器 ) ; 外壳 50 度 ( 摄氏 ) 9。 主体材料              : SA 240  304 ( 内容器 ) ; 外壳 Q235B 10 .工作介质              : L02 ,LN2 , LAr ( 内容器 ) ; 外壳 : 珠光砂 11。制造 许可证          : 应该符合 制造许可级别  : A·2

采购液体加热器[2015-05-07 20:30:14]
